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Classic Star Wars Novel Revisits Beloved Equine EU Character

Blessings upon you, Hohass Ekwesh, such a grand individual.

Classic Star Wars Novel Revisits Beloved Equine EU Character

The Star Wars Expanded Universe is a treasure trove of intriguing stuff. Some of it genuinely intriguing due to its gripping drama or the captivating questions it raises about the galaxy far, far away. Other elements, like the horse piloting an X-Wing, are just plain bonkers. That horse in question, Hohass "Runt" Ekwesh, to be precise, is a Bothan part of Wraith Squadron, a starfighter squadron strategically employed by the New Republic against the various Imperial threats after the Battle of Endor.

Runt, nicknamed for his relatively small stature compared to other Bothans (but still multiple times the size of your average human), was a promising pilot for Wraith Squadron, though his aggressive personality in combat often clouded his judgment and disregard for orders. With time and the help of his wingman and close friend, Kell Tainer, Runt managed to control his impulsive side, becoming a valuable member of the squad.

You might be wondering, "Wait, doesn't this horse look familiar in that X-Wing pilot suit?" Yes, indeed. He does. This delightful character has caught our attention once again, as he appears on the cover of the Solo Command release in the latest wave of Star Wars "Essential Legends" collection of EU novel reprints slated for the fall. Accompanying Solo Command are The Han Solo Adventures by Bryan Daley (illustrated by Sean Phillips) and The Force Unleashed novel by Sean Williams (illustrated by Juan Esteban Rodriguez).

Depicted by Doaly, who has provided covers for all X-Wing books re-released in the collection to date, the artwork is bright and fiery, with bold colors-and a horse in an X-Wing pilot flight suit, a sight we simply cannot get enough of. The Thakwaash, Ekwesh's species, are often described as having an equine appearance, but over the years, their depiction has fluctuated, from a more alien countenance to the downright literal "Horse."

Solo Command's illustration also follows a trend Doaly has established with the "Essential" reprints of the Wraith Squadron books, showcasing a human member of the squad alongside one of their alien partners on the cover. Previously, Wedge Antilles stood next to Jesmin Ackbar (Admiral Ackbar's niece) on the cover of Wraith Squadron, and Tyria Sarkin was paired with the Gamorrean Voort "Piggy" saBinring on Iron Fist. While few characters from the Expanded Universe have seamlessly transitioned into current Star Wars continuity, it's still a joy to see fresh artwork of these characters, especially when it features diverse mixes of pilots.

But it's just another example of the fascinating contrasts present in the old Expanded Universe-and Star Wars overall. The Wraith books revolve around intense military combat, steeped in details of covert battles, espionage, and undercover operations, all set against the backdrop of dogfights in space. Characters are constantly on the edge, with their lives hanging in the balance. Despite the dangerous situations, Ekwesh and his fellow Wraith Squadron members offer some of the finest storytelling the EU had to offer. And now, here we are-praising a book with a horse in an X-Wing pilot flight suit on the cover.

In case you're craving more io9 news, check out what's next for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who.

  1. The upcoming release of "Solo Command" in the Star Wars "Essential Legends" collection features Hohass "Runt" Ekwesh, a Bothan from Wraith Squadron, on its cover, wearing an X-Wing pilot flight suit.
  2. Depicted by artist Doaly, the artwork for "Solo Command" showcases a diverse mix of pilots, following the trend of featuring a human member of the Wraith Squadron alongside one of their alien partners on the cover.
  3. Despite the unusual depiction of a horse piloting an X-Wing in the Star Wars universe, the Wraith Squadron books, including "Solo Command," offer some of the finest storytelling in the Expanded Universe, with intense military combat, espionage, and undercover operations.
  4. The future of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, including its technology, characters, and interpretations, will continue to evolve and catch our attention as new releases expand the galaxy far, far away.

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